Sunday, January 6, 2008

A letter to the the Australian cricket team


Blah Blah Blah....yes Andrew Symonds we are all racists for calling you a that case I'd better sue my friends....and just about everyone I have known 'coz they've affirmed,testified, gone the whole nine yards, in having been a victim of my "Monkey pranks". And while I am at it...why dont you get some hankies so that you may cry your heart out...and see to it that Mr.Punter...(a.k.a. Mr Integrity) ,Mr.Puppy and the Pigeon join you in your lamentations. We didnt know that you guys loved monkeys so much.

To the Australian cricket team... dont take about sportsmanship , integrity and fairplay wont be able to find them even if i stuck bingo labels on your tush and gave u a mirror on a stick to search for them.

Yes you played very well in Sydney....extremely good batsmen, bowlers, fielders...and to say nothing of the admirable suport from the umpires and the match referee. We people couldnt ask for more from such gracious hosts. And how we look forward to reciprocate this threefold in your next tour; although we might face some problem from the PETA people we will see to it that you get the full package of honours.

Steve...oh Steve....why do you keep forgetting that you are out of the team and you are dont need to justify the behavior of your "MATES". And if your kids banter in the backyard calling their friend's and in return getting called by them as "Bastards",I dont see that as an excuse to call our people the same and get away with it.

As for Mr.Mcgrath,Punter,Symonds and Co...just accept the fact that you've bitten off more than you can chew. Yes,I know you have been taken aback by the new and angry Indian team but lemme tell you something, we'll gladly give you some more high level practice banter in the future matches in the event that we decide to play with you again.

Ohhh...dont get offended by this and report me to the ICC... i was just jousting with you...just like you do.

PS: Learn some integrity and culture from your Media.


One of the million Indians who are sick of your Tantrums and then your "cultural" justification of them.